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Tyler Crumley

Mrs. Crumley is a mother of four children. She has always had a passion for creating and leading programs that lead children to success. As an Advisory Board member of the Fort Worth Science and History Museum School, she has been able to see the impact of impactful learning on hundreds of students, including her own children. When she sees a need in a community she creates a solution, from the art program at Como Community Center to the first girls lacrosse team in Fort Worth. Mrs. Crumley has had a rich background in teaching early childhood programs in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Boston, Dallas, and Fort Worth. Her time at Fort Worth Country Day as a mother and teacher helped solidify her belief in creating a community and finding purposeful moments for learning in the everyday. Tyler is seeing her oldest off to college this year and loves every stage of childhood, but she lights up when she is surrounded by the earliest learners.

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Chloe Anderson

Mrs. Anderson is the mother of two young children. She loves experiencing the world through children’s eyes because they are full of wonder. In her twelve years of teaching early childhood, her favorite moments are when the light comes on for a child who was previously struggling with a concept. She has coached varsity athletics, facilitated ropes course challenges, and taught summer camps. Her volunteer work with Fort Worth Drowning Prevention, Breakthrough Fort Worth, and Performing Arts Fort Worth has confirmed her philosophy that children love to learn and an adult’s role is to continue to encourage their curiosity and exploration. Mrs. Anderson has her Masters in Education and continues to research new ways to engage children. Early childhood is the time when a foundation for lifelong learning begins and she loves to be a part of that growth in a child’s life.

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